Conny Groot
E @c.groot L /connygroot"I envision a North Sea that is rich in biodiversity and a source of sustainable energy. I like to work on that vision of the future and show it through images and video. In our communication we want to include everyone in our dream. The fact that in wind farms it is not allowed to fish and that there is protection of stones around the wind turbines offers a unique opportunity. By creating the ideal conditions, wind farms can become hotspots for biodiversity. It is wonderful to see how animals quickly settle around the turbines. The Rich North Sea is an innovative program and we learn something with every research. For example, about breeding flat oysters, how to go from oyster larvae to oyster spawn and then how we can grow them. That seems easy, but it isn't. The fact that we collaborate with scientists, the wind and water sector and the government gives me energy. Only by joining forces can we realize a North Sea full of life and a source of sustainable energy."